All of You......that's who !
Reading your sweet, encouraging, sympathetic and sensitive comments on my recent post describing my melancholic excuse for not blogging has touched me to the core of my being and made me realize again how lucky I am to have you all in my life. It is mind boggling to realize that it only took me 83 years to have found as many as 89 incredible people whom I really love to talk to and listen to.....or rather, to have had 89 of you find me.........the word "miracle" is overused, but I can't think of another one as fitting.
To properly show my appreciation I have just come up with a possible way of coping with those days when I am not fit for blogging and am out turning over rocks searching for my lost sense of humor...........I have had a brief consultation with Gussie, Winnie and Baskin and they have agreed (somewhat grudgingly) to take over for me when I am not fit for anything much less blogging.
I really do not know which of them, if any, has the talent to tattle on me, ramble on about practically nothing and keep you posted of what shenanigans I am up to when I have locked myself in my Rubber Room but we will undoubtedly find out.........won't we ? If they fail I will simply have to send them for lessons to the incomparable Liza Bean Bitey (of the Minneapolis Biteys).........I am sure you all know who I mean but, in case you have missed this delightful experience, run, do not walk, to the blogsite of one of my favorite bloggers and browse till you find one about Liza Bean :
The New Yorker covers: July 2, 1990
5 hours ago
Can you not blog direct from the Rubber Room about your shenanigans?
ReplyDeleteFran: The problem is when I misplace my sense of humor I cannot blog. That is when I shut myself in the rubber room and amuse myself by hitting my head against the wall.
ReplyDeleteWell, we are all different. And we'll take what you give us or who you give us. We just love you, Lo. We do.
ReplyDeleteMemories are a treasure and you have a rubber room full of them. Just start typing and something great will come of it. Pick a year. Pick a name. Pick a season...anything. Certainly you have something to say about almost anything.
ReplyDeleteThere are very young writers out there that should follow you and see how something so simple can have a touch of humor without being disgusting or shocking.
Keep plugging away.
Looking forward to their tales of your doings.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. Everything you have to say, even though you may not think so - is interesting!!
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree with Cartoon Characters. And, I will add this: Write anyway. When you work to mine your life for the joyful, interesting nuggets, your life actually gets a little bit better. (Says she who hasn't written a blog post in a week... :-(
ReplyDeleteI agree with Cartoon Characters as well. I will keep reading your blog whomever or whatever appears. Love you! :-)
ReplyDeleteQuite so...and when do we get to see one of your crocheted afghans?
ReplyDeletei believe your number just bumped up to 90. :)
ReplyDeleteHa you are gaining readers as you speak! Of course we love you..let those dust mops you call your friends have a go...can one of them learn to take photos so we can see the rubber room? :)