Short and to the point.
Ugh. Red faced I beg your forgiveness........ I have had some uneasy moments since using the word "misogynist" in my blog the other day to describe my hermit-like, people avoiding behavior. Something told me I was misusing the word so I just Googled it and, Oy, am I embarrassed.
According to the various definitions the word rally means "woman hater" and that is absolutely NOT what I am nor what I intended to convey. I am not sure at this moment what word I should have used but I want to proclaim to the world that I am definitely not a woman hater....To paraphrase Henry Higgins, I happen to think we are a Marvelous sex. For fear of getting my foot stuck in my mouth permanently I will not go any further.
Please forgive me if I misled anyone, disappointed anyone or wounded any of my lovely female readers. Sob. I love words, but someday I fear they may be the death of me......
And while I am apologizing, I must beg everyone's pardon for doing such a lousy job of trying to be last blog where I mused about virtues/sins/heaven really went afield and some of you thought I was serious about it all.
Goldurnit....don't you guys know when I am just funnin' with you? Again, sorry if I misled you or offended anyone. I WILL try to do better in the future. But don't matter how badly I screw up, I will not quit.
The New Yorker covers: December 6, 1930
2 hours ago