I did notice that the blogs in which I include photos or sketches draw infinitely more comments than the ones with just words and drivel. I think I am beginning to get the message, but I still intend to write lots of words during blog time because I love words. However, on lazy days I am delighted to be able to fall back on illustrations of one kind or another.
During the 50's, guitars and folk music were a big thing and a boyfriend gave me a guitar when I wistfully confessed that my ukulele was no longer satisfying. I took one lesson, developed a few rudimentary callouses and learned the chords for about 6 songs. I only played and sang when I was mildly to crazily drunk but since that was my condition much of the time back then I guess I played and sang a fair amount....loudly but not too well. I did NOT always play and sing naked.
This sketch was intended to be a Christmas card I believe, or maybe it actually WAS a greeting card.....I can't remember if it was published or not, but I just may use it this year.........I have no idea what those funny dots were.
This sketch always reminds me of the years in which I took my life in my hands to climb out the window of our apartment onto the very sloping roof and erect a Christmas tree by wiring the stand to the nearby chimney, then bringing out said tree, boxes of balls, strings of lights and a ladder. This rooftop was visible to all who traveled along
Sunset Blvd at the end of the Sunset Strip and beginning of
Beverly Hills and my Father insisted we bring joy to the public by putting up this tree each year. (Easy for him to be so benevolent......it was always my neck at risk.)
The little flyer below was one sketch that I actually sold and made money (?) on. Two dear friends had a lovely shop on Melrose Ave. called
The Four Winds. They had incredibly good taste and wonderful merchandise and honored me by hiring me to do their periodic mailing pieces. We had great fun with this series. I am so glad I found this sketch.

Uh Oh...I have cats crawling all over my keyboard making further typing impossible so I will take this as an omen and sign off for now.
As I often promise, I will close with a tease.....
More later.