Oh, hell........it is tax time and I must get my fanny over to the dining room table, spread out my graph paper, check book and spread sheets and begin the wretched process of discovering how expensive it is to keep this old carcase going.
That means I probably will not have a chance to publish a blog today and I am ashamed and riddled with guilt.....also dreadfully deprived because I have become addicted to pouring out huge hunks of my inner self for your amusement and edification). I am ashamed because I feel that any well organized (ha....that's not me) and well meaning (that's me) blogger should be able to have a few blogs in the frig waiting to be thrown into a gap like this. And I don't. Oh, yes, I have a few drafts in process and a few filed away with just fragments of ideas that I intend to blog about but nothing I can simply toss into the breach to feed the growing (thank you God) multitude of my precious blog-hungry followers.
So I got this here idea while catching up on some of the wonderful blogs I follow....the realization that Bloggers can be Cheaters. I come across many of my favorite blogs with only a photo or a paragraph as the offering of the day. I guess there is no written Blog-Rule that says "Entry must be 200 words or more, preferably punctuated with photos and containing a minimum of two (2) LOL's. That is my own conscience and Jewish Guilt talking.
So without another word of apology, this is my Blog for the day. Before you judge me harshly think of this poor little'ol' white haired lady, hunched over a rat's nest of crumpled, tear stained papers, scratching out numbers in columns and having to add at least 38,570 individual entries to come up with her medical deductions for the year 2009. No, I am not that infirm....that is what it takes to KEEP me from being that infirm.
I promise I will be back as soon as possible, and I will toss in some kind of abbreviated Cheating entry each day till my ordeal is over. Meanwhile, sate your appetite and slake your thirst by visiting some of my blogger buddies.......their stuff is actually better than mine.....some days anyway.
I luv you all.
The New Yorker covers: May 27, 1944
9 hours ago