I have just located a stash of my photos in Windows Photo Gallery, a place I did not know to look for them. I am hoping that I can convince Blogger to download them onto the page. Here I go.....wish me luck.
Ho boy! Well, I did not exactly find the file, but I did find the photo I just added to it today so I am somewhat encouraged. I will never understand why one program can find a certain file and another program cannot. This computer must file things away as badly as I do.....sigh.
This pic is of a kitten named Leo Lynxie #2517, a precious critter rescued by the wonderful rescue place called The Cat House On the Kings......that is on Kings Highway in Parlieu CA near Fresno. I was recently perusing their newsletter and saw a column of orphans they were hoping to find sponsors for and when I saw this photo I melted and totally self-destructed. I am now the proud long distance foster mom of Leo.......he taps my bank account quarterly for his upkeep. I begged this photo today and am weakening rapidly. I am dying to get my hands on him and cuddle him. I am wondering if perhaps I could borrow him for a while if Gussie would permit. (I somehow doubt that last part). But oh, how tempting. Maybe I could appeal to her more generous nature, wherever that might be located in that furry, selfish, demanding, beloved beast......
Perhaps I will simply have to go up there and visit him. They say they have an accommodation they can rent me if I want to drown myself in cats (about 700 I think) for a day and nite. Ah, heaven. I have said I cannot travel anymore, but I may make an exception in this case. I have been wanting to check the place out anyway because I am planning to include them in my bequests list as well as subsidize them to adopt my crazy feral kitty, Baskin, when I am gone.
Hmmmm.....as usual I seem to have been carried away by trivia.......though in all honesty, I can never call Leo Lynxie 2517 trivia.
Actually, I had not planned to blog tonite....I was simply conducting an experiment to see if I could access those photos, and as of now, the jury is still out on that. More tests and scrabbling at the edges of things to try to pry open that which remains sealed against me are in order, but I don't feel like scrabbling right now so I will just meander around in the corners of my brain a bit.
And now for something completely different, (Oh, how I miss Monty Python ....and for that matter, Benny Hill). (Did I ever reveal that I am an Anglophile?.....well, now you know. But nevermind that now)
I have steadfastly refused to sully my robes by being dragged into the nasty mess that are all things political. However, I just stumbled upon the MOST fascinating article and feel strangely impelled to pass it on, since it appears to me to have a total ring of truth about it......not that truth, forgodssake, has any place in politics, of course. Anyway, as I was saying, apparently there have been dozens of studies done trying to figure out the differences between Democrats and Republicans aside from so called ideologies.. Recently a number of studies have tried to analyze the differences in the brains of members of both parties and I am going to fling some excerpts at you.t
Horrors.....no I am not......I can't. I was just trying to transfer some notes I made in a draft to this page via the highlight and copy method and find that I sure as hell can highlight, but damned if I can copy. I am now faced with two dreadful choices, both unacceptable. I can delete the above 2 paragraphs and lose them because I do not know how to copy them, or I can leave you poor souls hanging till I get help in correcting my ignorance and ineptness. Eeeny meeny I don't know. I guess I am just going to have to sacrifice you guys........probably one or more of you can instruct me as to how to solve my problem. I think Florence, my caregiver, knows, but she is off til Monday. Sob.
I do promise to dish up the rest it as soon as I can so please do not hate me too much.
Gawd, I feel stupid!
The New Yorker covers: December 6, 1930
2 hours ago