This may be a sort of stream of consciousness blog.........please forgive if it is a bit disorganized........after all, it is only 6 am and totally new territory for this Nite Person......sense of humor not awake yet.....only my center of gratitude is stirring.
* the lovelieness of just breathing, perhaps not without pain, but without effort.
* the deliciousness of sinking into your favorite recliner. ........leaning back full tilt and feeling cradled in a wonderful tender chair embrace...........practically orgasmic delight.
* Savoring a taste of the most incredible food on the planet........Great Greek Honey Flavored Sainted cuz, Jen, brought it into my life at a point when I doubted that anything could make me want to live..
One incredible spoonful and I was convinced that I had already died and gone to heaven and that God was personally spooning ambrosia into my mouth. Talk about taste thrills..........I decided then and there that I had to live long enough to devour every blessed drop that came my way. Oy, words fail me.........can you imagine that?
* I will have to do an entire blog on this subject, maybe two or three, but for the moment I will simply mention, with wonder, the absolutely incredible joy an erstwhile hermit experiences upon being waited on hand and foot..........sigh. Pollyanna is seizing control again, but the truth is that, without the disaster of the broken hip, I might never have had this most delicious experience.......go figure.
Sorry folks.......time to munch my bran flakes and strawberry yogurt...........more later.
The New Yorker covers: May 27, 1944
7 hours ago