I have always hated that euphemism or whatever the hell they call that..........of course she is dead........when she begged them to shoot her last Tuesday they took her at her word.........consequently this blog will be continued by some imposter or other and hopefully you will not even notice the difference.....they do amazing things with these androids.,,.,.,.
This body is now inhabited by said imposter, a bunch of titanium hardware or spare computer parts and a monumental case of the dreaded malady, The Enormous Hospital Bloat. Just managed to get my laptop working again and have regained sufficient spirit to give a good goddam........and I ........WTF where did the italics come from//???........never mind.....small details are insignificant.........just want to thank all you dear souls for your good wishes and kind thoughts.
I, or a reasonable facsimile, will be going home to my beloved house and kitties next Friday......God willing having survived not only my self destruction but the best reconstructive efforts of the local ironmongers union.
Meanwhile they continue to torture me unmercifully with this thing called Physical Therapy.........but much more about that later.
This has been a fascinating interlude.....a strange sort of vacation at an all-inclusive resort called Camp Hertzalot..............if it is all the same to you, next time I think I will opt for the cruise and tour of Cannibal Island during which we are given the opportunity to be boiled in oil along with a few tasty Missionaries.
My best love to you all and the kindest thing I can offer is to say," Glad you are NOT here".
The New Yorker covers: May 27, 1944
8 hours ago