To all you faithful followers I am happy to report that the cats and I have a crawled out of the deep black least for the moment.
Tenks Gott.
The miseries I have been suffering from this week have finally subsided and most of my gut-pains have gone away. The same is true of my guilt and horror when I feared I had acquired Salmonella from noshing some of raw egg mixture when I was making matzoh balls for my chicken soup)
Of course, this remission did not just happen....I had to take extreme measures (aside from lots of Pepto Bismol and herb teas) To really effect a home cure it was requisite that I make an appointment to see the doctor. As soon as my innards heard your car when you go to the mechanic, they decided to shape up ASAP. make a long boring story much shorter, by the time I saw the doctor I was nearly well and did not even scream very loudly in protest when, after checking me out, he declared with great honesty, that he did not know for sure what was wrong with me. ( I was thrilled when he said he doubted very much if the raw matzoh balls were the culprit and blamed it all on a probable attack of my IBS.)
But, the best part has been, with the reduction of the pain and agony, my depression has feels so good to not be hurting so bad that I had to banish my depression, least for a little while.
Maybe one day soon I can even publish a decent, cheery blog....keep your fingers crossed, but don't hold your breath.
Love you all.
The New Yorker covers: May 27, 1944
9 hours ago