I am still reeling from a weird happening on this blogsite yesterday and I don't know quite what to make of it.
Like most hungry bloggers, after publishing my offering I checked back later to lap up and/or roll around on the ground in any comments you darlings left me, I found (to my utter horror) 8 piles of poop from some Asian travel agency.
The words were nearly meaningless and were not necessarily evil but they caused a shiver of horror to go up my spine. I felt somehow defiled and vulnerable. I suspect the same generic garbage was probably posted on a multitude of blogs so I do not feel like I was personally singled out, but suddenly the Blogosphere (sp?) did not seem its usual sweet, friendly place and I am somewhat shaken and a mite furious ..........nay, make that hugely furious. Gone is my peaceful if foolish complacency. How dare those commercially motivated illiterates burst my bubble? Grrrr and arrrrgggghhhh!
My fingers are still twitching in a frenzy to fasten about their probably grimy necks and beat their skulls against the asphalt while gleefully squeezing the life out of them, (oooops....got a bit carried away there) but I decided that all I could do would be to edit out the offensive comments, delete the whole blog and republish............sigh.
Have any of you more seasoned Bloggers had similar experiences? I am suddenly understanding why some of you choose to approve the comments before allowing them to be published.......perhaps I should consider doing the same. (if I can just figure out how to do it). I dunno.......I guess innocence lost can never be regained.......sob.
Anyway.....if any of you detect strange anomalies about the dates or times in the republished blog you need wrinkle your brows no further. It's only Lo doing her best to fight Blog Graffiti.....or should I call it Soft Porn?
Lesson for today.....nothing (not even the Blogosphere) is sacred. (What...it took you 83 years to learn THAT?)
The New Yorker covers: July 11, 1953
38 minutes ago