If it appears that I don't know where I am, I must tell you that you are absolutely right. And not just about whether or not I should try out for a new knee......Yesterday and today I wrote 2 different blogs trying to elucidate a particular situation and neither is publishable.....I still haven't got it right. I will no doubt try again later, but meanwhile I just had an idea of something I could write about without any debate or dithering around.
If you are a faithful reader you will remember something I blogged about a few weeks ago, and if you aren't I guess it is unkind of me not to remind everyone that I went to the half-off-books website recently and ordered a few Erma Bombeck books for old-times sake. Re-reading them has not necessarily made me a better blogger or even a better person, but fortunately it has also not discouraged me from ever blogging again as I feared it might. However, here I am with three more books that I cannot possibly cram into any bookcase and I just had the brilliant thought of giving them away. But not to the Goodwill.
Is there anyone out there who would enjoy perusing an old copy of a book by the female Blogger's Idol, Erma Bombeck.? If so let's make a big deal out of it and have a lottery. Now, I am well aware that the last lottery I held in which I offered some ancient issues of the Saturday Evening Post was very badly executed. As I recall, I gave them to the first person who commented that they wanted them .......completely unfair.....I was young and innocent, blogwise, at the time and didn't know any better. So, this time, should anyone want this strange offering, I will write each of your names on a torn scrap of paper, dab them all liberally with tuna fish, blindfold Winnie or Gussie and have them fish three entries out of a basket at random and with no cheating whatsoever.
Providing no one cares to comment or bid I will just have to give them to the Goodwill and if fewer than 3 of you show any interest, then someone in the 1 or 2 of you who do respond will get more than one prize. Hmmmm.....this is turning out like that old W.C. Field's joke about the first prize being a week in Philadelphia and the 2nd prize being 2 weeks in Philadelphia....or something like that.
That just about does me in for today........now I have to go in and bake a Blueberry Fruit Bread. "Why do you have to do that", you may ask, and I will respond like the Sarcastic Bastard Blogger person does and say, "Because I damn well feel like it !" ....or something like that.
Love ya' all.
The New Yorker covers: May 27, 1944
8 hours ago
Check out paperbackswap.com. There may be somebody out there who's been looking for just what you have!
ReplyDeleteBut if you *do* do the Give-away, put me in the hat! I *love* Erma Bombeck and I promise to do the books justice! I promise to read, and cherish them as they so deserve!!!
ReplyDeleteIf it were possible to love you more, Lo, I would now for quoting my dear Ms. Bastard-Beloved.
ReplyDeleteAs to Erma- I remember reading her in the paper and thinking to myself, "Hmmmmm...."
She is the Mother of Women Bloggers, I think, and I wonder what she would think of this blogosphere. She might like the instant response. Maybe. Who knows? Not me.
Oh yes, if you do a give-away please include my name on one of those tuna-smudged scraps of paper. I always knew that Erma was funny, and I eventually learned that she was also wise.
ReplyDeleteThis would definitely be a better prize than the two weeks in Philadelphia, as i won't have to get on a plane if i win, the book will do the traveling! Oh, and around here, the joke is if you lose you have to spend two weeks in the Cajun paradise of Holly Beach.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, the internet has fabulous random number generators, free, and you can count the number of entries and tell the generator to pick 3 random numbers between 1 and how ever many entries there are. Which might work out better than the cats, because one of them may decide to eat the tuna scented paper before you can get it out of the darling's mouth and read the number.;)
Me, me, me!!! Though as the one blest with the SEPosts, you may not want to enter my name...
ReplyDeleteIn which case I would understand...
Otherwise, please enter me!!!
What?! Hey I was the recipient of great reading from Saturday Evening Posts. I won fair and square. If this is a lottery. How much do I owe you?
ReplyDeleteOhhh...I love Erma! Please include me if you do a give away! ox
ReplyDeletePlease throw my name in the pot, Lo. I loved Erma Bombeck. I used to remember some of her comments..Good old days when I could retain some of what I read, and see!! A friend gave me a magnify glass with a light on it. an amazing gadget...Take care and keep me posted on your surgery decision. Much love..
ReplyDeleteAs I sit here wondering how Lo's going to handle an anonymous entry in the lottery, I'm remembering how my mother and I used to love Erma Bombeck's columns. I'm sure I gave Mom one of Erma's books for Mother's Day one year. I would absolutely love to take part in the give-away if you're going to do it.
ReplyDeleteWhat you need, dear lady, is a Kindle! I finally went through all my tons of books and gave them away. (And I still have a couple of bookcases full - so, even though I love you and Erma, do not put my name in the hat.) I love the Kindle. I love being able to store thousands of books on one tiny device.
ReplyDeleteSo, while I'm basically a techno-barbarian on many other pieces of equipment (my cell phone only makes phone calls, for example), I have never regretted getting the Kindle.
I've been trying for several years now to get rid of "stuff" - though how you categorize books as "stuff" I do not know. Sigh.
Keep us all informed about your knee, please.
I'd like to be entered in the "Blueberry Fruit Bread Giveaway."
ReplyDeleteIf you have a pot... throw my name in... love Erma and would enjoy revisiting her... Wasn't it, first prize is a week in Philadelphia; second prize, you don't have to go... just curious...
ReplyDeleteHi Lo! Erma was my idol as well. And inspiration.
ReplyDeleteP.S. don't hesitate on knee replacement. Success there revitalized my life... seriously.