Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oh, Gawd, I Wish I Had Said That......

This is what I sort of consider cheating.........passing on someone else's blog highlights, but since I am not in fit condition to finish the blog I have in process, and since I believe in spreading the good word, here is an excerpt from a recent "Doctor Grumpy" which is a gem.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Dr. Grumpy: "Have you had any neck pain?"

Mr. Awesome: "I have no idea."

Dr. Grumpy: "You don't know if you have neck pain?"

Mr. Awesome: "Look, doc, I'm 89. If you pay attention to every ache and pain at my age you become a fucking hypochondriac."


  1. I LOVED this post, too!!! It reminded me of you...

  2. ha ha that was funny, where do you find these sayings... you must trawl the net!! I have a dvd to learn how to crochet and will be trying to get along and do something with it.. I knit, but crochet is what my mother and her mother did, but I never got around to it until now.. you should put some examples of your work online, I am sure you are amazingly talented at it.. I love that you had the guts and gumption to try other things in your life.. keep it up!!

  3. This is the kind of 89-year-old i want to be someday.

  4. Must send this to my doctor, Lo! :-)
    Daisy's Barbara

  5. ooh. I love Dr Grumpy.

    He manages to show us a little of the shenanigans that go on without the typical judgementalism that sometimes goes on in some medical/nursing blogs.

    Sort of a "Life's Like That" of the Medical case you are a Reader's Digest kind of gal!

    I love what the 89 yr old said. So cute I could hug him!
