To my beloved followers, especially those who are Republicans:
I want to apologize for bad-mouthing Mitt Romney as I did in my moments of fear and loathing last night........I was
too overcome with fear to be rational or objective. My terror and harsh
words should not have been directed at Romney but at the extremists in
the party who have taken charge of what used to be a conservative but
respectable political position.
I believe that The Romney who was Governor of Massachusetts was a decent
man and would have made a plausible and even a productive Presidential candidate. It is sad
that he let the fanatics turn him into their robot in a desperate and
ill-conceived effort to win at all costs.
I am happy about the Obama victory but mostly hugely relieved that we did not validate and empower the fanatics who have vandalized the Republican party.
I do not foolishly anticipate an easy nor totally successful term for Obama or his supporters. If the same fanatics who designed the misguided Republican election campaign continue to obstruct any positive action in Congress, we will have a frustrating and disappointing 4 years, but I can only hope that the more rational members of the party will somehow prevail and enable some progress to be made.
I love this Country...........have done so for more years than most of you. We are facing so may daunting problems that I feel we may need some kind of miracle to enable us to cure them. What we don't need is another Civil War.
I send hugs to all of you..........especially to anyone I may have offended. I consistently go out of my way to prove that Nobody's Perfect.
The New Yorker covers: May 27, 1944
8 hours ago
It is because both parties have, in some respects, been overtaken by extremists that i tend to side with neither, and i understand and respect your fear.
ReplyDeleteWoman- you had every right to say everything you said. And it's YOUR blog. Your thoughts most properly go here.
ReplyDeletePlus, I agree with you. So there is that.
From my depressing post election hole I have sworn off politics for the time being. Voting really doesn't seem to matter nor does being educated and involved. With that, I will remain in the garden and let the inmates (no offense intended) run this nutty asylum. Really - what's more important than growing the perfect tomato?
ReplyDeleteSide note: happy I underwent my surgeries prior to the full balance of Obamacare kicks in. Mercy on us all.
It's all good Lo, Liberals are human too. I agree, I think The President will do just fine. He will make mistakes as he did in his first term...who dosn't. As to an obstructionist congress a little compromise might go a long way, something that hasn't happened in Washington for a long any administration. I think term limits would help but we will never see that.
ReplyDeleteFor the last 20-30 years bi-partisinship has meant "we forced the other side to vote with us."
We have a President whom I did not vote for, but he is now MY President. I wish him well.
I respect your blog more than I can tell you, Lo. United we stand, divided we fall. So I guess we pray that our leader, congress, and all involved will work together for the good of our blessed country. I agree with everything you said, my wise friend.
ReplyDeleteI am relieved beyond measure. I didn't agree with the president's opponent on any issue at all, but on climate change and what should be done about it, he was an absolute disaster. The president is only a partial disaster on that. He'll give us a few extra years.
ReplyDeletehis ancestor ...the painter George Romney has the most wonderful exhibition of his work at the Abbott Hall Gallery in Kendal in the lakes....perhaps there is a little something of the family in his genes tucked away inside!!!
ReplyDeleteAmen to your comments. Some very decent Republican legislators have been booted out of office by more radical types. Some of us in Missouri were holding our breath that the Republican candidate, who had said some outrageous things about rape and pregnancy, would be elected. Fortunately for us, he was not.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately we are still in the same sinking boat with a disqualified man who surrounds himself with people that I don't like. Romney was not my choice but in the end we now know that Obama won his election by creating divisions among the entire country and running on winning the game rather than facing the reality of what it takes to make a country work. Socialism fails once the other people run out of money. On the track we are on we will be see more people fired to protect themselves from Obamacare and I guess I will go ahead and file for food stamps and join in on his government based dominating policies.
DeleteYes they did vandalize the Republican Party of my parents. And I despise them for it. No gloating here either
ReplyDeleteIt's rather hard to get upset when I've been up to my elbows doing a gazillion other things and only now getting back to catching up on y blog reading... bad me BUT lucky you, since you've escaped any vitriol I might have expressed if I could have been offended in a timely fashion... It's just four years...
ReplyDeleteI have never seen anything like the hatred that divided a country like this last USA election. Being a Canadian, even our "Conservative" prime minister is deemed more socialist than anything. As Canadians 96% would have voted for Obama...when actually, a Republican government would have served our country better. All we could see is that the average person in the usa would be benefit from a more Democratic leaning government and unselfishly, we wished that for you all.
ReplyDeleteI have american (republican) cousins that I had to block on Facebook because of the vitriole that spewed out......and I have sworn off religion as a result. Sad, really.
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