If I had a buck or even a dime for every time I have said to myself, "Lois, you must be out of your mind", I'd be as rich as Warren Buffet. But this time, I really MEAN it. I am no longer teetering on the brink of insanity.......I have fallen smack dab into it and worse yet, I am wallowing in it.
After 75 years of diets and severe food deprivation of every sort, I did swear to myself and to the world at large that, after hitting and passing the 80 mark, I was never going to deprive myself of a single morsel of anything edible that I wanted ever again..... for whatever time is left to me in this world full of infinite delicacies. Yeah, so I wake up this morning and discover that I have put myself on, of all things, a Diet. And not just a diet telling me I can't eat this or that, but a diet in which I actually Fast for 2 days out of the 7 that are usually in a week. I am not sure quite how this happened, but it seemed to be a good idea when I pondered it last night and it somehow retained its luster when I got up this morning. Utterly amazing.
Even more amazing is the fact that I had decided last night that I would fast on Sundays and Thursdays and therefore, today being Sunday, it would be foodless. (Actually, I lie..... that is not totally accurate.....these here diet gurus decreed that you can have 500 calories on your fast days...probably to placate all of those wimps who claim that, without any food they suffer headaches, dizziness, spots before the eyes and all manner of plagues. I will comment on that idea some other time but I AM allowed to eat something today. Whatever fits withing the circumference of 500 calories which, I know from vast experience, is not very damned much. But that's OK.
Being a creature who has always worshiped food as my principal Deity, I have spent a lot of my life thinking about food in all its glorious forms and I realize that I have been lying to myself for many years about our relationship.......or, if not outright lying, I have not analyzed the subject sufficiently from all angles and it might just behoove me to do so before I die......in pursuit of truth and for my own damned good, that is. I am suspecting that I eat for a bunch of very strange reasons that have nothing to do with hunger and certainly nothing to do with nourishment. Kind of like the person who smokes cigarettes in order to have something to do with their hands.
I have fasted many times in my life......the longest having been for 4 days with nothing but water. I survived very well and found that the first day was the hardest and it got easier not harder as the project progressed. That does NOT mean that I did not trample a multitude of defenceless women and children and even a burly man or two who, on day 5, were unfortunate enough to be in my way in my glassy-eyed wild gallop to get my hands (and teeth) on a bagel. That experiment was to test my theory that my body's metabolism was such that I could gain weight while ingesting nothing and by simply thinking of food. Or at least it would not surrender a molecule of fat even if I fasted and walked miles per day on the treadmill. (Turned out that I was right about the latter half of that theory....I lost not an ounce in 4 days of not eating and you would not have wanted to be around me when I found that out......dishes were smashed, cats were kicked (symbolically) and epithets were uttered and hurled hither and yon..... in spades, baby.).
But even during that experiment I noticed that my body actually enjoyed being given a day off from digesting and processing even as my mind was screaming that I was trying to kill myself and that if I did not give me a ham sandwich or reasonable facsimile immediately I would wither like a scalded seedling and expire then and there and by gum, I'd be sorry then dammit but it would be too late.
The most interesting eating/not eating fact I learned and relearned over the years but which I have never been able to employ usefully was that when I got up in the morning I was not hungry and if I did not eat anything I was still not hungry and this lasted throughout the day. It was only toward evening when I noticed the slightly hollow feeling in my middle that I felt the need to eat a little something and then, once I had a single taste of food, I became ravenous and insatiable.
Because I adore food, the textures, the flavors the aromas the mere glorious sight of it, anything lurking in the frig, the cupboards or lying on a plate not only beckons seductively to me but gets behind my rotund buttocks and shoves me rudely in its direction. The first bite is sheer heaven, but, just like booze, after the first sip courses through your body and makes you feel so good, the succeeding bites never quite match up and I find myself continuing to eat just trying to recapture that first heavenly sensation. Of course, there is also something comforting about feeling full, sated, slightly stuffed. (beyond slightly stuffed there is only agony and recriminations, blame and finger pointing and empty promises ). In fact, as dismissive as I can be about hunger during the day, I cannot fall asleep hungry and have been known, after tossing for 3 or 4 hours, to rise from my couch and go in and ferociously empty the frig, shelf by shelf into my gaping maw......well, I do exagerate, but you get the idea. In fact, I am saving most of those 500 calories for bedtime gnashing, crunchng and gobbling......or as much of that as can be done with such a pittance of fodder. Anyway, as of 7:30 pm I am still doing fine with nothing under my belt but water, a few spinach leaves and mushroom slices, black coffee and a few cups of fat free chicken bouillion.
In case you are wondering, (and I am sure that one or two of you are surely wondering) what bit me on the ass to drive me to such extremes, I was very impressed with a video I recently watched, on the study that led up to the creation of this program called the FastDiet. If you can believe a bunch of Mice, it appears that a bit of fasting can actually make you live longer.......and if you are wondering why, after groaning and griping and schlepping along "Oy-ing" for 86 years I would want to do that, I do not have an answer today. Maybe it is just so that I can keep on blogging.
Anyway, I can hardly wait to see how this all turns out. Will Lois lose 2 and 3/4 ounces? Will Lois develop a completely new attitude about food?? Will Lois give up the whole idea when the next fast day rolls around on Thursday? Will Lois fall off the wagon tomorrow ( or, more likely, tonite at approx 3 am) and devour the entire southern side of Califa Street in one orgy of binge eating? You may take bets among yourselves......frankly, I have no effing idea.
7 hours ago
Good luck with it!
ReplyDeleteI'll Email you...
ReplyDeleteHere's what I think, Lo, after years of observing people and weight loss and gain at Weight Watchers- fasting probably IS a normal part of human life because sometimes, before these modern days when food is available in spades, all the time, for most of us at least in this first world country, sometimes there just was nothing to eat. The wooly mammoth had been devoured, there were no ripe berries and the smoked fish was all gone. And so our metabolisms would slow down and not give up one calorie in energy that it did not have to in order to allow the person who was fasting (although not by choice in those olden days) to stay alive, find more food and eat again. And the body also recognized, after a day or two, that there simply was no food and that the usual signals to eat (huger) were cut off so that the person starving did not also go insane. But that as soon as food was re-introduced, the body figured- oh, another wooly mammoth has been killed, let us now eat and replenish our stores of fat! Because stores of body fat were what kept you alive during those times of starvation.
ReplyDeleteOkay. That's my theory. And explains why people, who starve themselves in order to lose weight regularly or for prolonged periods, generally just reset their metabolisms to a lower place and often do not lose weight. Also, their bodies are not having to spend energy (calories) on the digestive process.
I have heard the proponents of this two-day-a-week fasting program and I think they have some very good points and it may well work for many people because obviously, two days a week of semi-fasting are not going to totally screw up a metabolism.
So let us know how it goes.
From time to time I think about doing the twice a week fasting regime -- however, so far I have been able to suppress the urge. Good luck with your attempt -- I am sure it is good for you!
ReplyDeleteFood is my comfort for all occasions. When I am happy, when I am fed up, when I am sad, you name it and the occasion needs food. lol
ReplyDeleteI have almost given up now on diets having, like you, tried over the years, and actually succeeded many times to lose weight only to put it all back on again. I don't smoke, I don't drink and food is my comfort in life.
How on earth you go for 4 days without it I can't bear to think.
Still, I will be watching your blog with interest Lo.
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ReplyDeletehello!! Thanks for your comment on my blog! I am so chuffed you are giving this a go and I found this post both fascinating and funny! I am so glad my ramblings spurred you on and I look forward to seeing how you fare. Definitely keep in touch! Good luck lovely Lo. Sarah x
ReplyDeleteYikes! that sounds hard! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteMay I have your cake?
ReplyDeleteGood luck Lo, I will be interested in whether you think it was all worth it.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about the Fast Diet is that the SIDE effect is that you lose weight. If you actually watch the Michael Mosley TV programme called Eat Fast Live Longer (look on the web) you'll see that the main benefits are living a longer, healthier life. Fasting seems to do something to the triggers that lessen our chances of getting Alzheimers, Heart Disease, and Cancer. But losing weight is a nice bonus I have to admit!